Friday, September 17, 2010

April 23rd, 2008

The biggest nugget I got from today is this:

God’s breaking down strongholds in my life (namely fear and anxiety) and I need to press through and face them. Satan, the adversary, will attack harder so the stronghold stays. Press through.

I picture the stonghold breaking and I’m pushing against it. But all the cracks in the foundations and pillars are from Jesus. As I push (by facing fears, not giving into anxiety) they will surely come down. The cracks in the stongholds are the promptings of Jesus…make that call, speak up, pray for that person, introduce yourself. If I stand there the stronghold stands. If I follow through, trusting in Him to help me, another piece of the stronghold is destroyed, until one day – it’s a pile of rubble at my feet (yes he helps us push, in fact it’s His strength that makes it fall but he allows us be involved in the process.)

Many times I’d just stare at the stronghold in awe. I’d make excuses for it…I’m shy, I’ve always been this way, I’m busy, they wouldn’t like me anyways.

Jesus pushes through. He never gives up chipping away at the strongholds in my life, nudging me, prodding me, never letting me get too cozy in my comfort zone. It’s painful and tiring at times but oh how I thank Him.

Jesus thank you for continuing Your work in my life. You are faithful to finish what you started and on that I rely. I bank my whole life on your transforming work in me.

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