Sunday, September 19, 2010

June 14th, 2008

June 14, 2008
For God so loved the world He said to the world “I love you!”

What? What was that? Oh wait that’s not right.

For God so loved the world He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

For God so loved the world he DID something. He loved in ACTION.

What if God only said that He loved us but didn’t do anything about it? We’d be headed to hell for one…but also we might say, “Well that’s nice…” and go about our lives. Because He showed us in a such a powerful, sacrificial way, completely unselfish, completely perfect, we are humbled, and we are blessed. We are more apt to love Him back for He gave His all for us. In return we’re compelled to give our all.

As I meditated on this I changed it up a bit:

For I so love (I can fill in the blank with anyone in my life) that I (fill in blank with an action).

For I so love Jake I will give him a massage later tonight. For I so love my kids I will play a board game with them when they ask. For I so love God I will come to Him and sit at His feet and worship Him. For I so love my parents I will help them out as much as possible with whatever they need. For I so love God’s people I will serve them. I could go on and on.

I love this little tool to help me love others practically in action–in a way that matters and in ways that prove my love. What good is an ‘I love you’ with no action? Not that saying ‘I love you’ is bad or unneeded just that those words can be so empty if not accompanied by action. They can also be abused, said in place of action, as is the case with laziness and selfishness.

I’m preaching to myself here for I know I’m one who needs to apply this much better in my life. But I also share because maybe it’ll touch someone like it did me. I also thought it went right along with my post the other day about loving in action and in truth. I was so glad to find it.

Love on Peeps!

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