Sunday, September 19, 2010

May 22, 2008

This post contained two pics. And a post before it had a bunch of pics of the 08 SC Trackmeet. I don't think I'll be transferring pics and links... too bad.

Saturday was spent going to pick up the pool, given to us by a generous auntie who no longer had use for it. This pool is the perfect size for my kiddo’s who haven’t had much exposure to pools and swimming yet. I’m hoping they’ll both get more comfortable in the water during the summer.

Sunday was spent playing in it while Jake worked around the yard and I took pics.

This week has been a very busy week for me and the kids. We’ve had 2 field trips so far, one to a farm and one to the Aquarium in Newport. Our nights have been filled with meetings and misc. stuff. We’ve also been busily packing for our camping trip this weekend. The kids are counting down the days. It’s also my dad’s 61st birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! And tomorrow is my niece’s 10th birthday. Double Digits! Both their parties are on Friday night…so that’ll be interesting on how we swing going to both. It’ll work one way or the other.

Looking ahead we have my parents 44th (is that right Tam?) wedding anniversary on the 27th and Jake and I’s 11th wedding anniversary on the 31st, which also is the day we head to Didneyland. Spelled incorrectly on purpose. Just the way I like to say it because of how my dad used to say it…kind of an inside joke thing. The 30th is the kids’ last day of school.

On that note I feel like my daughter in the pic below:

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