Sunday, September 19, 2010

July 15th, 2008 again

So tomorrow I start week 5 of my running plan.  My shoulder pain is gone.  That was strange.  One night it was so bad I couldn’t use my arm the next day it was as if nothing happened.  My shins aren’t hurting and neither is my knee.  So we’ll see what this week brings.  
Tonight we had dinner with an older couple from our new church.  It was such a blessing.  They made a delicious meal.  We had great wisdom filled, God glorifying conversation.  They have grand kids so their home had a room with toys and a Nintendo that kept our kids very happy.  They shared their hearts and how they have a heart to minister to young couples and told us about things God’s done in their lives.  They were kind and gentle and comfortable to be around.  They prayed for us before we left.  I’ll say it again, it was a blessing.
It was so hard for me to come to Monmouth and change churches even knowing it was God’s will.  During the pain I knew God’s plan would be for my good and be joyful but I tended to focus more on what I was giving up rather than what I was getting.  Now I’m sitting here at my computer with a content smile and tears brimming because God’s so merciful and loving.  He’s filling me with joy in this place that I just didn’t really want to be in.  
He’s so merciful to this sinner.  So merciful.  So good.  So sweet.

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