Sunday, September 19, 2010

June 17th, 2008

So yah the days of swimming in the new little pool in our back yard are over.  We had that freak 90 degree day in May and no good swimming weather since, so the nice blue water turned green.  But that’s not the only thing.  The top part of the tube won’t stay inflated because the air cap is missing.  We tried all mighty duct tape but it let us down.   Without the top tubey part the whole pool will collapse with even just a little commotion in the water.  So we figgered we drain it.
So we let the water out of it not thinking much about it.  When there were just a few inches left we *lifted* the pool up off the dead, stinky, rotten, who-knows-what-died-under-there  grass.  As my big buff husband heaved and ho’ed the deflated pool off the ground all of our faces suddenly contorted into ungodly shapes and our dog tucked tailed ran away whimpering as the invisible fumes penetrated our nasal cavaties singeing our nose hairs as they went.  ”What in the world is that STINK?!” 
To our best guess it’s the smell of rotten grass.  We don’t know but it’s been 2 days and our backyard still reeks of the odor.  We have a 12 foot diameter circle of dead grass in our back yard.  The birds really like it though.  I watched them today picking and plucking out who knows what.  I don’t know if our dog has ventured out into the wet stinky unknown and went potty since this occured.  If his bad gas is any indicator I’d say no.  
My husband said it best today when he said, “I don’t know about you but I’m thinking we get a trampoline.” I’m thinking no back yard barbeque’s anytime soon.   

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