Thursday, September 23, 2010

August 11th, 2008

So it’s official, we ARE homeschooling this year.  This time around I’ve already started differently than the first time.  I’ve included my husband in the decision making. WOW what a concept!!!  Ha!  The first time I just decided we’re homeschooling.  This year after months and months of prayer I sat down with the kids and with Jake and we talked about it.
Since we have one year under our belt we talked about what we want to see happen this year and NOT happen.  Jake was understandably a little hesistant so I asked him what he’d like to see happen in order to give his blessing on this year of homeschool.  I wrote it all down and will do my best to make those things happen.
So…I’ve got a lot of work and organizing to do before now and September. 
If YOU homeschool and read this blog I have a fun request.  In my comment section list one thing you’ll do differently this upcoming year and one thing you’ll do the same.  I might even make this a regular thing–questions about homeschool–for all our benefit.  I think it’d be fun.
Enjoy what’s left of the summer.  It’s going fast.
P.S.  Is Homeschooling one word (Homeschool) or two words (Home School)?

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