Sunday, September 19, 2010

July 9, 2008 again

So I’ll start with the rotten grass.  It’s gone!  My husband got rid of it on Saturday so no more worries about my dog eating it.  Phew.
This past weekend was busy busy but fun fun.  We spent 2 days of the 3 day weekend with our new church family which was Friday and Sunday.  Well we spent the majority of the day with them those days.  Talk about crash course in getting to know your church fam.  It was a very good thing though.  I plan to post a little more about that on my other blog.
On the 4th we went to our little town parade, just the 4 of us.  The kids brought their baskets and filled them with lots of teeth rotting candy.  (And I’ve found as they’re getting older it’s harder to steal their candy.  They do share a little though.)   We also had this fighter get fly right over Main Street too right before the parade started.  That was super cool because it was very low.  It was so low I was thinking…uh is this ok?? are bombs going to be dropped soon??  Are we going to live through this…  My daughter was terrified for a brief second and my husband was all ….dude, that was soo cool, that made my whole day dude….  just kidding he didn’t really say “dude” 
So then we spend the rest of the day over at a friends house where we bbq’d, swam, jumped on the trampoline and talked and then roasted marshmallow’s around the campfire.  The town fire works started around 10 but we could barely see them.  But the kids who didn’t seem to mind had a bunch of glow sticks and they started jumping on the trampoline in the dark and that became our entertainment for the next 45 minutes.
So that was our 4th.  
Boring post.  Ok so I’ll just cut it short there.  Except I will say today I started week 4 of my running plan.  My shins are back to normal but my left knee is killing me.  I had surgery on this knee back when I was 18 and it’s not liking my new life style.  So I may have to side line running for a bit and do some strength training and some lower impact exercising and drop a good 15 lbs… well I hope to run sooner than that.  I may test my knee each week and see how it is.  But today after my workout I wanted to cry.  Probably mostly out of frustration because I’m enjoying running but today I had to concentrate so hard to find a stride that didn’t hurt.
So…we’ll see.
Have a great week peeps (ha ha i accidently type “pees” at first)…

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