Friday, September 17, 2010

May 12, 2008

May 12, 2008
I was tagged by Angie.

Now I’m supposed to list my 3 favorite things.

1) Jesus’ compassion for all humans
2) My kiddo’s
3) My husband’s knack for being a good dad.

Short but sweet. If one was to ask me next month the details might be different but the 3 subjects, Jesus, Jake, and kiddo’s, would all be the same.

Thanks for tagging me Angie.

In other news…

There’s a Bible verse that is jumping off the page at me

Philippians 1:21 “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

Lately my mind’s been bombarded with news of cancers, deaths, and sicknesses in addition to retirement and old age and I’ve thought a lot about death. Kind of morbid maybe, but it’s a reality we all will face someday.

What’s great though, at the same time, God’s been giving me these Scriptures and planting questions in my mind about what I’m living for and my time. He’s been challenging me to live purposely for Christ. To intentionally think about each moment and use it wisely.

I think that Paul, when he wrote this way saying that when he dies it’ll be gain because he’ll be with Jesus. But I also see it in that if we live as Christ we’ll leave a legacy for Christ and that will be gain as well.

Refreshingly, amongst the bleakness of this fallen world God’s leading my mind to think of the Life. Jesus is life. I’m thankful He’s shifting my focus from death to life.

For to me to live is Christ.

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