Sunday, September 19, 2010

July 18th, 2008

I finished week five of my “Couch-to-5K” running plan.  This week ended with running 20 minutes with no walking breaks.  I was nervous when I went into the gym.  When I first got on the treadmill I was doing my “brisk 5 minute walk” for warm-up.  I went to tighten my pony tail and when I brought my arms down I caught my ear phone cord and ripped it out of my ear.  Well the little plastic part flew off and I looked around and couldn’t find it.  I couldn’t stick it in my ear without that part.  So I sat it down and thought, “great I have to run my first 20 minutes with no music.”  But I tried once again and found the little piece behind me.  Then I nearly tripped getting back on the tread mill.  This was starting out great.
But finally my 5 minutes were up and I began to run (…more like slow jog but don’t tell anyone…)  So about at 9 minutes left I was tired and my legs were sore but I kept going.  I wasn’t winded but I was hot and sweating really bad and my legs hurt.  But I reminded myself no one is paying attention to my super red face so keep going.  
Anyways I did it and was happy.  
Yesterday I ran outside which I liked.  I did ok.  I was wondering how it would be compared to the tread mill and it wasn’t too much different.  I just can’t run in the heat which I didn’t it was around 8 or so and there was a nice breeze.  I over heat in the a/c gym I can’t imagine running in the heat.  I was thinking if I do run a real 5K I’ll need to do it in cool weather.  
So in other news…my sis moves tomorrow.  Weird!!  Sad!!  And that’s all I’ll say.  Me loves you Tam.  At least I get to have a road trip with you.  Maybe by the end of it we’ll be so sick of eachother it’ll be easy to say good bye??  Nah, probably not.  Well we won’t say good bye, we’ll say see ya later or better yet, “see ya online”…

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