Thursday, September 23, 2010

August 21, 2008

I decided to run outside today since the weather is much cooler than it has been.  I figured it’s been rainy, cloudy, windy all day so it must be a good day to run (for me anyways.)  My husband comes home and I prompty get dressed to go run.
Somehow I managed to run during the only sun break of the day.  It shined on me the whole time.  There was one stretch of the run that I could feel the sun bouncing off my glistening forehead and I’m sure I’m slightly sunburned.  
I looked up and realized I was surrounded by gray stormy looking cloudy except where I was running. There was literally a circle of sunshine.  How precious.  The moment I got home the circle closed and it became a little misty.  That is my life.  
If I were to describe this workout in one word I’d pick the word…. FreakingHard…that’s one word, really.  It was challenging to put it mildly.  My grandma could probably speed walk faster than I was running.  I once had to pause the iPod to get my breathing under control because I took a few deep breaths and realized I wanted to keep taking them.  Then I meditated on the word BEAUTIFUL and that helped me awhile. Specifically how beautiful discipline and hard work are.  Then I focused on my songs.  Then I focused on how pretty the concrete was for the last 3/4 miles or so.  BUT thank goodness for stoplights.  I was at first irritated after the first half mile I had to stop to cross the street.  But then, on the way back, and it was now 2 1/2 miles into it, I was praying for the stoplight to come quickly. 
The last half mile my head was on fire and I just concentrated on one foot forward at a time.  
But I did it.  Running is hard but I really like it.  One more run!  Then I’m on my own.

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