Friday, September 17, 2010

May 5, 2008

This picture graces my computer desktop. It’s Smith Rock in central Oregon. Can you see the little white house to the right of the rock? Up close it’s not so little. It’s actually a mansion. If you walk the trail you get an up close view of it. It’s quite nice. But compared to the rock I’d say it’s small pototoes.

I see this pic daily but last night it spoke to me in a way it never has. I had just finished drooling over a ranch in central Oregon whose entrance I’ll probably never drive wheels over. It’s simply just too far above my means. I drempt a little of what it must be like to live there or even just stay a long weekend and bask in the beauty of the place. Luxurious homes set against the back drop of the the high desert and the Three Sisters Mountains. Waking up every morning to a feast for the eyes with adventure and recreation at every corner must be amazing.

Surprisingly I found myself caught up in the man made portion of it. I’ve been to central many times and enjoyed the beauty of the place. One only has to drive through to be captured by it’s majesty. And I’ve stayed at a wonderful B&B that was well within our price range. I can do everything that ranch has to offer without spending the wad of cash it requires. But I was nearly led to believe that my happiness would not be complete unless I had a chance to stay at this place.

So I closed out of my computer and pressed “shut down. ” But before this picture disappeared for the night it shouted, “Look at God’s creation versus man’s creation!” What did it cost me to go see Smith Rock? Nothing except the gas money to drive the 2 hours to get there. I spent the entire day enveloped in the marvelous work of God. No man can match with any amount of money, time, or resources what God did in a moment with just a word utterd from His mouth.

Keep me Lord from the lusts of my flesh so I don’t miss the beauty set before me by your hand.


And God said, “…”let the dry land appear”; and it was so. Genesis 1:9

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